Tuesday, February 24, 2009

so its 3:43 am and i am sitting here drinking herbal tea. I am supposed to be working on an ap stat project but i dont want to so i wrote a poem.
I was listening to Amnesia by Cherish, icebox by omarion and hollywood divorce by outkast...mind you my ipod was on shuffle...but this is what i wrote. it does but doesnt make sense in a wierd way.... everything here is true and relfects my feelings about a few people...you might know who you are....if you truly exist


I can't go left or right
Wish I could go back but can only go foward
Because the past is a lesson learned
And the hardknocklife is never out of session
Every scar tear smile and frown has built my character
Into the person you know me as today
But theres a part of me wants amnesia
A part of me that doesn't want to remeber the pain and the aches
The late nights and lost thoughts
The broken dreams and real nightmares

Amnesia to forget the bad, and make the good a distant daydream
Amnesia to forget your existence
To forget your touch
Your smile

Amnesia to melt away the iceboxx that replaced my heart
Amnesia to warm my soul
To revive my heart
To let you in
To know you
To want you
To need you
To love you
to love


Some say, history is the best teacher& if you don't remeber your past
You'll repeat it in the future
And a part of me would like to rewind
To go back to my favorite part
And press play
And relive the moment

But time pushes me foward
Farther and farther away from you
Causing me to forget the good
And still have the cracks in my heart remain from the bad deeds done

Lowering the heat, to make this the coldest winter
And my heart colder
And my attitude nastier
And my pride harder to swallow
Making me lonier
And confused
With no one to know what I'm talking about

except you

And if you don't get it
Don't ever be afraid to ask
Or to express
To show
Or tell

How you feel

im still here because we both know its not over

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