Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Ugh...yea...here's a freeewrite done while listening to music.

Some things are meant to be broken.
Some things are to be secrets, that few know & many think they do.
Some things are meant to be forgotten.
Some things can only be memories and can never be repeted.
Some fear the future,while others run from their past.
Many have dreams that will never come true,
While others have living nightmares.
The best are subtle,keen and wary.careful with how they act & what they say.
And the rest are emotional & outspoken & usally stress over any-and-everything.

I want to break more.
I want to make more.
I want to know more & wonder less.
I want to remeber all.
I dont want to relive; I'd rather create.
I dont want to dream, I want to live it; nightmares & all.


Kim said...


Gambitt said...

I dig this.....the last two lines are in my head for today.

Anonymous said...

This is cool, I like your style. Keep it up miss.